What are the Canadian Emergency Response Programs and how do they work?
See if you qualify for a refund.
Fill out the form to see if you qualify. 
Fill out the form to see if you qualify. 
So far the government has given close to $100 Billion dollars to Canadian businesses (including registered charities and non-profits) who have had fluctuating monthly sales adversely affected due to the pandemic's economic impact through emergency response programs.   If your business was registered and active before March 1, 2020, and you had employees (that receive T4s) or a commercial space that you owned or leased, you may qualify for a large refund of wages, rent, building operating expenses or all.



You could be eligible for up to $300,000 with the government emergency response programs. 
Remember, if you don’t save, you don’t pay! 

Getting started is simple. Click the button below to contact one of our experienced refund experts who will walk you through the complex process to obtain your government disability refund.



Since 1991, Grants International has helped over 15,000 Canadians save more than $75,000,000.

Canadian Businesses, Non-profits, and Charitable organizations that have a registered Business Number with Canada Revenue

Organizations that had revenues in 2019 and earlier

Organizations that had T4 employees before March 1, 2020, and/or leased/owned commercial space(s) for their business 
Organizations looking to hire new employees and recover from the economic effects the pandemic had on their operations
We often hear "I make too much money to be considered for these programs". The reality is that these programs do not consider profitability. We analyze your business' pre-pandemic monthly sales to monthly sales during the pandemic using a variety of methods to determine your eligibility. Many of our clients did not think they qualified when they approached us. We have helped many of them get $100,000's dollars after analyzing the multiple options and picking an option that generated the best refund within the program rules.

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Since 1991, Grants International has helped over 15,000 Canadians save more than $75,000,000.

Hundreds of thousands of Canadian businesses got severely affected by the pandemic and are currently facing financial difficulties to keep their doors open. The Government has handed out almost $100 Billion in emergency grants since 2020, while an estimated 3/5 of businesses have NOT applied for what they are entitled.

At Grants International, we are the refund experts, and we have over 30 years of experience assisting Canadian's navigate the government bureaucracy to obtain refunds.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not sure if my business would qualify for this.

If your business was registered and active before March 1, 2020, and you had T4 registered employees or a commercial space that you owned or leased it is worth doing a free review with us to see if you would qualify. One of our experts would be glad to do a 15 minute review with you on the call to answer any specific questions and determine if your situation would qualify within any of these programs. Our analysis is free with our 100% guarantee, if you don't save, you don't pay!

What if I haven't been really affected by the pandemic? Should I bother talking to you?

These programs were designed to help businesses adversely affected by fluctuating monthly sales due to the pandemic's economic impact. The program does not consider profitability. There are over 192 different calculation methods to determine if you qualify and maximize what you can earn in the programs. Many of our clients did not think they qualified when they approached us. We have helped many of them get $100,000's dollars after analyzing the multiple options and picking an option that generated the best returns within the program rules.

Are there any deadlines?

Yes! There is a new deadline every 4 weeks: October 7, November 4, December 2, December 30, January 27, February 24, March 24, and April 21. .

How long does the program go for?

At the time of writing this (August 2021), the program can go until November 2021, however, with new information unfolding every day, there is a chance it can be extended yet again.

Can I do this on my own?

Yes you can, however of the files we have reviewed, we have found that most clients leave a significant portion of money on the table from not reviewing all of their available options.  There is 192 filing options that must be analyzed to maximize the refund.

What type of expenses are eligible for rebates if I rent or own a commercial business? 

If you or an affiliated entity owns the property you can claim your mortgage interest, property taxes, and property insurance towards your eligibility calculations. If you rent or lease your commercial space, you can claim your rent, utilities, and possibly more depending on your lease terms.

Submit the form to speak with a representative today or call:
Receive a Refund from the Government
Canadian Emergency Response Programs
Receive up to $300,000 in grants and subsidies from the Government
Canada Emergency Grants

How much money can I get back?

For the CEWS (Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy) program, you can receive up to $847 per employee per week back. There are no maximum program limits in this program. 

For the CERS (Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy) program, you can receive up to $75,000 back per business location, to a maximum of $300,000.

If I'm the owner or related to the owner, can I claim my own wages? 

Yes, there are ways that the owner or related family member's registered wages can be claimed in the program, however this would need to be reviewed to ensure they meet the program requirements.

Business owner wages can also be eligible for refunds up to $847 per week (some conditions apply)

Can I still claim if I am in arrears with CRA?

Yes, Since these are emergency programs, currently CRA has been sending out subsidies even when in arrears (of course always subject to them changing their minds).

See if you qualify for a refund.
Business owner wages can also be eligible for refunds up to $847 per week (some conditions apply)
Glowing Reviews From Happy Customers
"Grants International saved me a lot of money that I would never have had otherwise, with almost no effort on my part. Very nice and professional. Thank you."
Dr Alex Feder, Winnipeg MB
"Grants International is a wonderful service to business owners. There was no red tape or bureaucratic delays at all. The entire process was efficient, fast and painless. And best of all, they’ve enabled me to save thousands of dollars."
JoAnne Anderson, Narnia Books, Vancouver BC
"Grants International has been financially beneficial to all family members in our company. They looked after all the paperwork and helped us to recover old money as well as saving us money in the future.”
Susan Tomowich, Creighton Rock Drill Ltd. Mississauga, ON
Hardest Hit Business Recovery Program HHBRP

Canada Recovery Hiring Program CRHP

Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program THRP

Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy CEWS

Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy CERS

Hardest Hit Business Recovery Program HHBRP

Canada Recovery Hiring Program CRHP

Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy CEWS

Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy CERS

Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program THRP

1 Eligibility
2 CEWS Eligibility
3 CERS Eligibility
Thank you for your answers. In order to be eligible for any of these Subsidies you must have a registered business number with the CRA. AND You must have Sales/Revenues prior to the Pandemic. You indicated that you do not have a CRA business number AND/OR Sales/Revenues in 2019 and therefore, you will NOT be eligible to receive any subsidies. If you have a charity or non-profit organization that is registered with CRA, then you will most likely have a CRA business number. If you beleive you have answered any of these questions in error, please hit the "back" link and re-enter your answer.
Based on the answers to the questions it appears that you are not eligible for any of the emergency Subsidies for one or more of the following reasons: Either: 1.       You didn’t T4 any employees pre Covid or your payroll is too small 2.       You didn’t rent or own any space or the amounts are simply too small.