Written By: Jake Blumes | October 23, 2020 | Advertisement
How we found out about the Disability Tax Credit
If you have a stoma and use an ostomy pouch or a catheter for elimination and it takes you three times longer to tend to your elimination than a person who doesn't require these devices, you qualify.
This can be more difficult to determine, but if, while using your hearing aids, a conversation in a quiet room takes three times longer for you to understand than for most people, you qualify.
Dressing Yourself
If you can’t dress yourself and require assistance, or it takes you three times longer to get dressed than most people, you qualify. Stroke and arthritis are typical reasons for slow dressing.
Feeding Yourself
If, due to pain or decreased strength in your arms, you can’t feed yourself or cut up your food without help or if it takes you three times longer than most people to do so, you qualify.
If it takes you three times longer than an average person to walk 100 metres, (110 yards) including with a cane or walker and including rests, or you can’t walk 100 metres at all, you qualify. It doesn’t matter why you walk slowly - it could be arthritis, COPD, sciatica, balance issues, or the reason for your slow walking may not even have been diagnosed. The fact that you walk three times slower than others is enough.
How Much Could Your Disability Tax Credit be Worth?
When our customers first apply for the Disability Tax Credit, they are usually amazed at how much their initial refund is worth.
Once you're initially approved, you get a refund of income taxes paid by you or your spouse or a close family member that supports you if you don't pay incomes taxes. Check line 435 of your Notice Of Assessment to see how much income taxes have been paid. The refund can go back up to 10 years or to when your doctor certifies your difficulty became severe. It's only worthwhile applying if there is some income tax money paid in the past while your impairment was severe.
Then in the future, you get a tax credit to use each year to reduce the amount of taxes you have to pay in the future saving you even more money.
David Peltz, who has been a refund administrator for Grants International for nine years, explains how the tax credit is calculated.
“Once you qualify for the Disability Tax Credit, you are eligible for a tax credit every year,” says David.
“The annual amount varies depending on the province. In some places it is $1,400 per year, in Alberta
it can be as much as $2,400 annually.
“And if you can prove that you have had your impairment for several years, you can apply for a
retroactive refund for up to 10 years, which can easily make the total over $20,000.”
How Much Could Your Disability Tax Credit be Worth?
When our customers first apply for the Disability Tax Credit, they are usually amazed at how much their initial refund is worth.
Once you're initially approved, you get a refund of income taxes paid by you or your spouse or a close family member that supports you if you don't pay incomes taxes. Check line 435 of your Notice Of Assessment to see how much income taxes have been paid. The refund can go back up to 10 years or to when your doctor certifies your difficulty became severe. It's only worthwhile applying if there is some income tax money paid in the past while your impairment was severe.
Then in the future, you get a tax credit to use each year to reduce the amount of taxes you have to pay in the future saving you even more money.
David Peltz, who has been a refund administrator for Grants International for nine years, explains how the tax credit is calculated.
“Once you qualify for the Disability Tax Credit, you are eligible for a tax credit every year,” says David. “The annual amount varies depending on the province. In some places it is $1,400 per year, in Alberta it can be as much as $2,400 annually.
“And if you can prove that you have had your impairment for several years, you can apply for a retroactive refund for up to 10 years, which can easily make the total over $20,000.”
The average refund is around $8,000
The average refund is around $8,000
Christine Desmarais from Chatham, Ontario, has congestive heart failure, high blood pressure and is awaiting knee and hip replacements. “It affects my walking and I can’t get out very much at all,” she says. “If I go to the grocery store, I am done for the day.”
Christine received an initial Disability Tax Credit refund for over $13,000 and she continues to get a tax rebate every year.
Edith Thomas from Oakville, Ontario, says, “I didn’t consider myself disabled, I could still drive and do some things. But I couldn’t manage the stairs and it took a long time to walk anywhere.”
Edith received a Disability Tax Credit refund worth over $10,000.
William Young of Truro, Nova Scotia, used to work as a paratrooper and military line-man. Years spent jumping out of planes and climbing poles took a toll on his knees. “My knees are crazy,” he says. “I can’t get up the stairs and I have to use a walker.” William’s Disability Tax Credit refund was also worth over $10,000.
If you have a severe health impairment and pay taxes, the Disability Tax Credit is a fabulous program, providing rebates worth thousands of dollars. However, qualifying for a refund is a difficult, complex and time-consuming task. Many people who apply by themselves are rejected by the CRA - even when they actually should qualify.
If you have a severe impairment and pay income taxes, click the button to find out if you qualify. Then we'll make sure you receive all of the money you deserve from your Disability Tax Credit.
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Why Grants International Started up
“I realized that my grandmother probably wasn’t the only person in Canada who could qualify for this
rebate. And I was right. And that was when I started spreading the word about the money Canadians are
owed, which is available to them so long as they apply for it correctly. And Grants International has been
helping people get that money ever since.”
There is a huge number of Canadians who are currently eligible for the Disability Tax Credit but who are not claiming it.
In a recent Huffington Post article, Toby Nwazor wrote, “According to the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA), of the 1.1 million Canadians who are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit, only 620,000 actually claim it. That’s leaving a billion dollars of money intended for the pockets of disabled Canadians in government coffers.”
Top 10 Ailments to Qualify for Disability Tax Credit
At Grants International, we help thousands of people every year to qualify for the Disability Tax Credit.
Many of our new customers ask us the same question: What kind of disability do I need to have to qualify medically?
And our answer is always the same; it’s not the disability, or the illness, or the disease that matters. What matters is how severely it affects your ability to function on a daily basis.
This list should give you some idea of the kinds of illnesses that can limit your basic activities to the point where you qualify for a hefty tax rebate.
The top 10 diagnoses we dealt with last year:
It’s not the illness that matters, but how severely it affects your ability to function.
Although these are the top 10 illnesses, dozens more enabled our customers to qualified for the Disability Tax Credit, including vertigo, Alzheimer’s/dementia, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and renal failure.
You see, the thing about qualifying for the Disability Tax Credit is that you don’t have to have any one particular disease. You don’t even have to be disabled, or even consider yourself disabled.
What matters to the Canada Revenue Agency is that your illness has a severe impact on your daily ability to function. For example, if you find that it takes a really long time to get dressed every day, or have severe difficulty to walk around the block, you would qualify.
The reason why you struggle to get dressed is actually irrelevant, but you still have to prove that it is a struggle, with that proof coming from your doctor.
Canada Revenue also says the health impairment that affects your daily functioning must be present at least 90% of the time and have existed and be expected to exist for at least 12 months.
Why Grants International Started up
“I realized that my grandmother probably wasn’t the only person in Canada who could qualify for this rebate. And I was right. And that was when I started spreading the word about the money Canadians are owed, which is available to them so long as they apply for it correctly. And Grants International has been helping people get that money ever since.”
There is a huge number of Canadians who are currently eligible for the Disability Tax Credit but who are not claiming it.
In a recent Huffington Post article, Toby Nwazor wrote, “According to the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA), of the 1.1 million Canadians who are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit, only 620,000 actually claim it. That’s leaving a billion dollars of money intended for the pockets of disabled Canadians in government coffers.”
Top 10 Ailments to Qualify for a Disability Tax Credit
At Grants International, we help thousands of people every year to qualify for the Disability Tax Credit.
Many of our new customers ask us the same question: What kind of disability do I need to have to qualify medically?
And our answer is always the same; it’s not the disability, or the illness, or the disease that matters. What matters is how it affects your ability to function on a daily basis.
This list should give you some idea of the kinds of illnesses that can limit your basic activities to the point where you qualify for a hefty tax rebate.
The top 10 diagnoses we dealt with last year:
It’s not the illness that matters, but how it affects your ability to function.
Although these are the top 10 illnesses, dozens more enabled our customers to qualified for the Disability Tax Credit, including vertigo, Alzheimer’s/dementia, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and renal failure.
You see, the thing about qualifying for the Disability Tax Credit is that you don’t have to have any one particular disease. You don’t even have to be disabled, or even consider yourself disabled.
What matters to the Canada Revenue Agency is that your illness has a big impact on your daily ability to function. For example, if you find that it takes a really long time to get dressed every day, or to walk around the block, you would qualify.
The reason why you struggle to get dressed is actually irrelevant, but you still have to prove that it is a struggle, with that proof coming from your doctor.
Canada Revenue also says the health impairment that affects your daily functioning must be present at least 90% of the time and have existed and be expected to exist for at least 12 months.
The Ways you can Qualify
Difficulty Walking is the main way most people qualify medically for the Disability Tax Credit. There are other daily activities that qualify such as difficulty Feeding or Dressing yourself. Difficulty Hearing and difficulty with Elimination to name a few. This is the criteria for Walking:
The Ways You Can Qualify
Here are a few of the many ways that you could qualify medically for the Disability Tax Credit, or, in Canada Revenue’s own words, how your impairment “restricts you in one or more of the following basic activities of daily living,” even when using appropriate therapies, medications and devices available to you.
If you have a severe impairment and pay taxes, click the button to find out if you qualify. Then we'll make sure you receive all of the money you deserve from your Disability Tax Credit.
“In my experience, the average refund we secure for our customers is around $8,000 and, of course, our customers can apply for the tax credit every year going forward as well.”
The money you get back is a refund of the income taxes paid by you, your spouse or a close family member who helps to look after you. Your refund can’t be more than the amount of income taxes that you’ve paid.
If you are applying for the Disability Tax Credit for a child, your refund could be significantly more.
“If you successfully apply for a child under 18 years of age, you also qualify for the Child Disability Benefit, which is worth up to $2,730 per year,” explains David. “And this can be paid retroactively for up to 10 years. But it is really important that you apply properly.”
Some Grants International Customers Explain how they Qualified
“In my experience, the average refund we secure for our customers is around $8,000 and, of course, our customers can apply for the tax credit every year going forward as well.”
The money you get back is a refund of the income taxes paid by you, your spouse or a close family member who helps to look after you. Your refund can’t be more than the amount of income taxes that you’ve paid.
Some Grants International Customers Explain how they Qualified
If you have a severe impairment and pay taxes, click the button to find out if you qualify. Then we'll make sure you receive all of the money you deserve from your Disability Tax Credit.
They fought hard to get our refund
Christine has congestive heart failure, high blood pressure and is awaiting knee and hip replacements. “It affects my walking
and I can’t get out very much at all,” she says. “If I go to
the grocery store, I am done for the day."
Christine Desmarais - Chatham, Ontario
The sizeable cheque was much appreciated
Edith says, “I didn’t consider myself disabled, I could still drive and do some things. But I couldn’t manage the stairs and it took
a long time to walk anywhere. Thank you for bringing it to
my attention. It was a pleasure doing business with you
and the sizeable cheque was much appreciated."
Edith Thomas - Oakville, Ontario
Turned my disability into something good financially
William used to work as a paratrooper and military line-man.
Years spent jumping out of planes and climbing poles took a
toll on his knees. “My knees are crazy,” he says. “I can’t
get up the stairs and I have to use a walker.”
William Gordon - North Vancouver, BC